Strategic Thinking

Take a ‘scaling up’ approach to strategic thinking in the marketing role.


Jarther+ uses an ‘additive thinking approach’ to help you with the pieces of the ‘marketing landscape’ jigsaw that will yield the best results:

  • Context Analysis: Although it’s critical to understand the Customer, Company and Context to drive insightful marketing plans, flying solo on this project can leave many marketing leaders in a state of paralysis as they try to strike the right balance between diligence and agility. The risk of relying on long-held assumptions in a rapidly changing market has also become too great to ignore.

  • Direction-Setting: Beyond a simple stocktake, the strategic thinker uses the Marketing Audit process to understand where you are today and help define exactly where you can grow to.

  • Rapid Ideation: Many CMOs are seeing the value in a trusted – yet challenging - strategic sparring partner to help them rapidly work through ideas and options for moving the business, as well as the additional accelerant of having a tactical coach on hand to help their teams execute.

  • Organisational Alignment: If you’re looking to define and create the optimal marketing organisation through vision, mission, values and transformation plan.

  • Talent Uplift: Contemporary business leaders are increasingly recognising the value of instilling a learning culture to empower their teams to thrive. If your team has a strong tactical base, this process will ensure strategic thinking is used to enhance the effectiveness of each opportunity while improving your team's capabilities over the longer term.

Talk to one of the leaders of ‘additive thinking’

Jarther Taylor is a marketer, an educator and an entrepreneur. It’s these three complementary perspectives which inform not only a comprehensive view of the marketing landscape but also your brand’s position within it.

If you’ve been feeling like your focus has been unfairly split between thinking and action, consider a conversation with Jarther to see where the collaborative approach of additive thinking can take your organisation – and your career. Contact us.